Các tham số Bản_mẫu:User-multi

  • 1, 2, 3, ... n: these parameters specify what links to display in the template. See the code table below for valid input codes.
  • User or user: the username. An error is returned if this is omitted.
  • Project or project: the interwiki prefix for the project you wish to link to. Please see Trợ giúp:Interwiki linking for a list of valid codes. For backwards compatibility, a language code can also be entered in this field.
  • Lang or lang: the language code for the project you wish to link to. See List of Wikipedias for a complete list of language codes used by Wikimedia sites.
  • separator: the separator to use in between links. Valid values are dot· ), comma(, ), pipe( | ), and tpt-languages(⧼tpt-languages-separator⧽). If not specified, then dot is the default.
  • small: if this parameter exists, fonts will be displayed at 90% of the normal size.
  • sup: if this parameter exists, links will be displayed in superscript.
  • span: if this parameter is set to "no", no <span>...</span> tags are included around the link toolbar. If this option is set, any URL links will appear with the external link icon.
  • doc: this parameter is only available on template pages, using the /template sub-template. If set to yes, it will automatically generate documentation for that template.
  • demo: if this parameter is set to yes, the template will not output any categories.

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WikiPedia: Bản_mẫu:User-multi http://dnsstuff.com/tools/ipall/?ip= http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/tracert/?tool_id=68&... //www.google.com/search?q=V%C3%AD+d%E1%BB%A5 http://www.google.com/search?q=V%C3%AD+d%E1%BB%A5 //www.google.com/search?q=V%C3%AD_d%E1%BB%A5 http://www.robtex.com/rbls/ http://www.stopforumspam.com/search/V%C3%AD_d%E1%B... http://www.dnswatch.info/dns/dnslookup?host=V%C3%A... http://www.dnswatch.info/dns/dnslookup?la=en&host=...